06 March 2014

Gratitude Moment: Tough times

We all go through tough times and handle them differently. Having gratitude is one way to deal with these challenging experiences; it can even be what we need the most! Gratitude can turn a painful moment into a beautiful one. It can transform your feelings from despair to peacefulness.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ― Melody Beattie

It might be difficult to take this perspective, but it can be just the thing to help us get through tough periods. For example, last year, I lost a job, developed a health problem, and my dear grandfather passed away, all within three months. I got through this period using gratitude because in every situation there were blessings to be found and appreciated:

I was grateful to be free from a stressful work environment and to have more time for myself. I was grateful to have reliable care and support from good friends during my health issue. And I was most grateful that my grandfather lived a full and wonderful life before he died peacefully, surrounded by loved ones.

Tough moments can highlight the opportunities and gifts we have that we sometimes overlook. Considering a difficult time you've had in your life, was there anything about it that you can feel grateful for?


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